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Reflections on the Establishment and Development of Sunrise Bethel Christian School

God has used a plethora of like-minded, sacrificial people to build Sunrise Bethel Christian School. I would like to acknowledge the tears, tribulations, prayers and joyous celebrations that many, no more than my wife, Jan, have shared with me over the years.

What follows is a short, and by no means exhaustive, history of the establishment of Sunrise Bethel Christian School. There are a great many people who have been involved in the development and running of the School. I apologise to anyone who I have forgotten to acknowledge.

Sunrise Bethel Christian School is recognised by the Government to be one of the highest performing schools in Papua New Guinea. Its academics are outstanding, and the educative product is exceptional; however, this is not what excites me. What does excite me is that each day, 300 children receive the grace and mercy of Jesus within a Christ-Centred, biblically-based education. Christ is acknowledged and glorified within our School, and these students are the future leaders of this great nation.

For the Full Story of the last 10 years of Sunrise Bethel, you can find the file below.

PNG 10 Yr story
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